Monthly Archives: September 2008

Marty Beckerman On Sarah Palin

Martin emails: As an Alaskan born and raised, it’s surreal… Anchorage residents tend to mock Wasilla as The Jerry Springer Show come to life, and now its mayor could realistically become the leader of the free world. Everyone is shocked. … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin Makes It Look Easy

Fred Barnes writes: That was easy. Sarah Palin delivered what may have been the most important speech ever by a vice presidential candidate and made it look like she’d been performing on the national political stage for years. And she … Continue reading

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I’m Discussing This Week’s Torah Portion Live On Cam At 3pm With Joey Kurtzman

This week’s Torah portion is Shoftim. From wikipedia: Shoftim, Shof’tim, or Shofetim (?????? — Hebrew for “judges,” the first word in the parshah) is the 48th weekly Torah portion (parshah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the … Continue reading

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The Israeli Press

Yair Ettinger writes: Instead, they have chosen to hypnotize their readers with a modest scandal of their own. The party dailies, Yated Ne’eman (affiliated with the Degel Hatorah faction of United Torah Judaism party) and Hamodi’a (affiliated with the party’s … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin’s A Star

Joe emails: She is a prodigy. At 44, to absolutely destroy Obama (the remark about two memoirs and no legislation is beyond sublime, it shows that Obama, mr. black freedom, is in this for the gelt) with the same cadence … Continue reading

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