Monthly Archives: September 2008

Stop Embarrassing Yourself

Gadi Pickholz emails: Dude: Even for the lowly standards of your blog, you seem to be digging new nadirs for yourself precisely erev rosh hashana. You still do not begin to comprehend the chofetz chayim, nor the most basic responsiblities … Continue reading

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Let It Rain II

From my live cam: YourMoralLeader:  i got booted from my shul palestine4ever:  i kinda gathered from your front page 🙁 YourMoralLeader:  for outing that 18yo anon blogger chick palestine4ever:  no palestine4ever:  way palestine4ever:  ? palestine4ever:  all of the fraudsters who … Continue reading

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‘Munich’ Should Not Be A Dirty Word

Britain was not prepared for war in 1938. Neville Chamberlain had no illusions about Hitler. He did the right thing in Munich. From the Washington Post: Some other words of Churchill’s are too rarely quoted. They are from one of … Continue reading

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Three New Regimes at LA’s Modern Orthodox High Schools

Jane emails: "Write about the 3 new heads of school in Modern Orthodox high schools – Rabbi Glass at YULA Boys, Rabbi Lieberman at YULA Girls, and Rabbi Weinbach at Shalhevet. Find out what students have to say about R’ … Continue reading

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Behind The Scenes At Shaarey Zedek

The Graff Family Foundation is suing its longtime shul Young Israel of North Beverly Hills for not using their donation properly. I heard about a certain family in Valley Village who donated tens of thousands of dollars to the Orthodox … Continue reading

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