Monthly Archives: September 2008

Anthrax Killer Or Innocent Man?

From ERS News can report exclusively that Bruce Ivins did not mail any letters on Oct 9th, 2001 from Princeton, New Jersey.  ERS has also learned that Bruce Ivins did have specific “timeframe windows of opportunity” to do so … Continue reading

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Good News For Jewish Day Schools

Marvin Schick writes: In the best of economic times, most Jewish schools struggle to meet their obligations and they are not able to provide or forced to cut back on services and educational options that would enhance the learning experience. … Continue reading

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An Orthodox Take On A Conservative Approach To Jewish Law

Rabbi Avi Shafran writes: Conceived by the rabbi of a Conservative congregation, and now endorsed by that movement’s rabbinic arm, the “Hekhsher”’s promoters insist that it is not really a hekhsher, or kashrus certification, at all. It is, rather, an … Continue reading

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Clothes Make The Man

Rabbi Ari Enkin writes: As many of my friends know, I have an adept eye for men’s formal fashions. I’m one of those people who notes the clothing that others wear, be it the style, quality, or message conveyed. The … Continue reading

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A Bad Day

Jon Carter must’ve had a bad day. Case Type: Civil Rights (General Jurisdiction) Case#: BC398085 CASE NAME: JON CARPENTER VS TOEU K KAING ET AL Parties: BEST VIDEO – Def/Res,CARPENTER JON – PL/PET,DOES 1 THROUGH 10 – Def/Res,DONUT STAR – … Continue reading

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