Monthly Archives: September 2008

This Week’s Parsha Is Nitzavim

It is particularly important when I do my weekly session with Joey Kurtzman Thursday afternoon that I look smart. We’re going to have a special guest joining us live on my cam — a woman who is as smart as … Continue reading

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Jewcy Keeps Getting Worse

During its first month on the air, published provocative work by such leading writers as John Derbyshire and Daphne Merkin. Since then the place has gone to hell. Today it hit rock bottom with novelist Andrew Foster Altschul’s fantasies … Continue reading

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‘Dumbocracy: Adventures with the Loony Left, the Rabid Right, and Other American Idiots’

I hate this new book by Marty Beckerman. He refers to George W. Bush as "King Retard" and Bill Clinton as "President Blowjob." Here’s a sentence from page 45: "The GOP is obsessed with depriving gay Americans of any and … Continue reading

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Luke Ford’s Gonorrhea Walk Los Angeles

This Shabbos, join me for a walk to shul as we fight gonorrhea. While you’re walking, you won’t catch the clap! Too many people suffer in silence from this dreaded disease. Together we can make our world free from genital … Continue reading

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An UnOrthodox Dip In The Mikveh

From the Jerusalem Post: The Orthodox establishment’s ban on non-Orthodox converts and brides using state-funded mikvaot (ritual baths) is a desecration of God’s name, Rabbi Barry Schlesinger, the newly reelected president of the Masorti (Conservative) Movement’s Rabbinical Assembly in Israel, … Continue reading

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