Daily Archives: August 20, 2008

Irrefutable Proof That Luke Ford Is A Rattlesnake

"In a deeply tribal way, we love our monsters!" (Edward O. Wilson)

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Ultimate Praise For ‘The Stand’

If you’ve read my posts about The Stand (www.thestandlink.com), then you already know about my love for this restaurant and its four – more are on the way – locations in Encino, Century City, Westwood and Woodland Hills. The restaurant’s … Continue reading

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My First Synagogue Home

I’d been to other synagogues, but Ohev Shalom in Orlando, Florida, was the first one I called home. I was a regular there during my eight months in town (from Aug. 1993 to March 1994). For most of that time, … Continue reading

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Joan Hyler Update

The Hollywood talent manager and producer was hit by a car on PCH Friday night. The latest news is good: Joan remains stable and her vital signs are good. Everything is as described in the last report–with one exception: When … Continue reading

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Can We Trust The Kashrut Of Agriprocessors?

Joe says: With regards to Agriprocessors, besides the moral debate, how can anyone trust them with kashrus? If they are tempted to cheat morally/ethically on labor why should they not cheat on the kashrut? Especially since there is more to … Continue reading

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