Daily Archives: August 15, 2008

Turning My Grey Hair Brown

In February, I quit using Grecian Formula. In the succeeding weeks, my hair turned grey. Then I started going to acupuncture twice a week in April and now my hair has returned to the brown luster of my youth.

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Anti-Israel Columnist Charley Reese

Jason Maoz writes: Submitted for your amusement, a tale of two columnists, as different as it is humanly possible to be in their view of the Middle East.      First, four quotes from the columnist who is second to … Continue reading

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Bush Let Us Down In China

Jonathan S. Tobin writes: The White House said President Bush’s primary purpose while in Beijing for the start of the Olympics was to "show respect" to the Chinese people.   He demonstrated this "respect" by avoiding dissidents and by not … Continue reading

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Canada’s PM Urges Calm

Despite sending 300 athletes to the Olympics, the country has yet to win a medal.

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Affair Threatens John Edwards Position

From The Onion: WASHINGTON—News of his extramarital affair with a former campaign worker could put John Edwards at serious risk of losing the position or appointment he currently holds, or may be planning to hold, or to contend for, if … Continue reading

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