Daily Archives: August 30, 2008

Sarah Palin Is The Real Deal

Mark Steyn writes: What other country in the developed world produces beauty queens who hunt caribou and serve up a terrific moose stew? As an immigrant, I’m not saying I came to the United States purely to meet chicks like that, but it was certainly … Continue reading

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Holiness Does Not Require Perfection

Rabbi Dan Fink writes: Because I was the rabbi’s son, I learned that holy vessels are made from the same mud and clay as everything else. Clergy kids rarely share the attitude of reverence that most people of faith bring … Continue reading

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A Woman Leads Kiddish At Bnai David

Reb Mimi Feigelson, who some say was the first woman ordained an Orthodox rabbi (99% of Orthodox Jews would not recognize any woman as a rabbi), led the shul kiddish one Shabbos morning three weeks back. Leading the kiddish has … Continue reading

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