Daily Archives: August 11, 2008

I Endorse ‘Hounddog’

This movie stars Dakota Fanning — the Shirley Temple of our decade — and is famous for her rape scene. As a moral leader, I’m often called upon to adjudicate tricky issues. In this one, I side with the filmmakers. … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews Targeted In Scam By The Same Bloke Who Denied His Wife A Divorce For Near A Decade

I’ve received emails asking me why I have not linked the Joseph Shereshevsky below to the Rabbi Yossi Sharashefsky who refused for many years to give his wife a get (Jewish divorce). The reason I have not linked them is … Continue reading

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My Dad Is Lecturing At Loma Linda University Sept 6

From the Facebook announcement: The Adventist Today Foundation will host the 2008 Richard Hammill Memorial Lecture by Dr. Desmond Ford on Sabbath, September 6, 2008 beginning at 3 pm in the Campus Hill Church on the campus of Loma Linda … Continue reading

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I Have A Nightmare That I’ve Become A Pack Rat

I’m not falling asleep until around 5 am these days. Then I have these vivid nightmares around 7 am. Today I dream that I’ve invited Rob Spallone over. He drops by and then goes to see a friend in the … Continue reading

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