Daily Archives: August 1, 2008

Increasing Your Social Status

Jack Shafer writes: "What is Facebook but the Federal Reserve Bank of social currency? And it’s all social currency you can use! Like cocktail chatter, a Facebook posting—be it a link, a list, a photo, or travel plans—conveys the message, … Continue reading

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Why So Serious?

Lou Ford (I don’t know who this bloke is, I just know him from his correspondence correcting my errors) emails: "Hey, Luke, saw you at the Robertson Library today.  Very impressive mane all around; weight loss looks good too.  But … Continue reading

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Small Business Barely Surviving In Israel

Gadi Pickholz emails: "So much for Nefesh B’Nefesh propaganda. The actual 3-5 year later success rate of American aliya has hit abysmal new depths of failure, despite more coming. There was likely a larger contingent of former Americans returning to … Continue reading

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I Feel Like I’m Floating

I had my first lesson in Alexander Technique today. My teacher released all my tension. I feel at peace. I want to sing and dance in all of my gorgeousness. So as we begin our journey to love I want … Continue reading

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Disappointing Shmarya Rosenberg Profile In The Forward

Anthony Weiss accepts Rosenberg’s self-presentation at face value. He doesn’t probe. He doesn’t use other sources on Rosenberg other than Rosenberg. I’ve been friendly with Shmarya since 2004 and am a regular reader of his blog. Very little in this … Continue reading

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