Daily Archives: August 13, 2008

The Anguish Of Elizabeth Edwards

From people.com: "There was anguish – excruciating anguish – for her in dealing with this," Elizabeth’s best friend Hargrave McElroy tells PEOPLE in its new issue. Behind the public show of strength, the Edwards’ household has been a scene of … Continue reading

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Rabbi Shmuel Hertzfeld & Open Orthodoxy

Joe emails: I think that you should run a piece on Rabbi Shmuel Hertzfeld. His time has come, since he is a quasi-celeb. Without any previous knowledge, you might think Hertzfeld is some kind of activist, a modern day Heschel … Continue reading

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Kevin Roderick Vs. Eric Longabardi

Kevin writes on LAObserved: I was an assistant metropolitan editor at the Los Angeles Times when the Rodney King riots erupted in April, 1992 and the Northridge earthquake struck on Jan. 17, 1994. Huge stories, of course, and everyone in … Continue reading

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The 64-Year Old Boy Toy

Joe emails: I’m talking to Rex yesterday and they guy’s depressed cuz he’s got no baht, no SS coming and just broke up with his 86 year old "girlfriend". I asked him why and he said she was tightfisted with the … Continue reading

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First-hand look at meat plant shows rabbi has been misled

Rabbi David Eliezrie, President of the Rabbinical Council of Orange County, writes: Sadly, Rabbi Dennis Sasso has transgressed one of the most important and basic principles of Jewish Law, that you cannot judge an issue unless you have heard both … Continue reading

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