Daily Archives: August 12, 2008

Marc Gafni Writes About His Third Marriage

He blogs: I will never forget one of my early dates with Cary. We were walking Jerusalem’s streets. It was late, the silence was luminous. It was one of those moments when intimacy lets you enter for a moment. I … Continue reading

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Leah Kleim Sitting Shiva For Her Little Sister Who Died Of A Drug Overdose

Leah’s in New York with her family. She replies to my email: Im tryin to hang in there. Its tough. sitting shiva sux. I think its just starting to hit me now though. My anger is coming out pretty bad. … Continue reading

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Sex Change Regret

 The NJG:  luke, check this out, people who regret having sex change therapy The NJG:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyRQpIZFymc&feature=related  The NJG:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SCZpQUDiQ4&feature=related  The NJG:  really interesting stuff The NJG:  I’m totally against sex changes, because it IS mutiliation, and, also, it is most … Continue reading

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Andrea Mitchell Is Skeptical Of John Edwards’ Claims

Here is an amusing Newsweek story on Rielle Hunter.  

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New SF Hebrew School

Dan Pine writes for JewishSF.com: Rabbi Daniel Rabin loves to share memories of growing up Jewish in Johannesburg. He says the warmth, the close-knit community and the strong sense of tradition all typify the South African Jewish experience. That’s exactly … Continue reading

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