Daily Archives: August 2, 2008

Luke Ford In Lights

Chaim Amalek emails: I was walking by the Sony Multiplex in Lincoln Center today when I peered up at the marquee and guess which name I saw zipping by? LUKE FORD. Apparently there is an Aussie actor out there with … Continue reading

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My Genocidal Shabbat

I’m immersed in one of those novels based on Biblical characters — The Triumph Of Deborah by Eva Etzion-Halevy. It’s weird reading about these folks having sex. From page 95: Barak prepared to bear down on her [Deborah], but with new strength coursing through … Continue reading

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Century City Knife Murder

Joe emails: The LAT had an article on the murder of a woman named Fayed in Century City. Some websites claim that her husband is related to the Fayeds of Harrod’s in London (Princess Di and all that), but the … Continue reading

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