Monthly Archives: August 2008


Because it is closer-knit and more insular, the sense of shame increases in Judaism as you become more religious. In Orthodox Judaism, it is rare to have close friendships with Jews who aren’t Orthodox, let alone non-Jews. I remember when … Continue reading

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The Smartest Comments On The Web

Appear on hirhurim. It’s the only blog where I regularly check the comments. Mycroft writes about Bibi Netanyahu: He can be an example of no matter how far OTD (off the derech) one goes -people should still be welcomed. In … Continue reading

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To Pray

I walk into shul, sit next to the rabbi, and for the next three hours we’re silent except for rattling off our prayers.. Finally, after adon olam and kiddish, I shake his hand and say, "Gut shabbos." "Look," he replies. … Continue reading

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Why You Should Not Compliment A Woman

David DeAngelo writes: Women tell us they want us to compliment them. Your mom told you to be nice to girls, right? And we guys like to really "turn up" the compliments when we LIKE a woman… But here’s the … Continue reading

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Two Ravenous Females In One Night

From my live cam chat: HoboBob:  TWO RAVENOUS FEMALES IN ONE NIGHT HoboBob:  One got too intense, so I had to swat her away. YourMoralLeader:  whoa YourMoralLeader:  tell me more HoboBob:  @#$%@ mosquitos. HoboBob:  Must have 12 bites on me. … Continue reading

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