Daily Archives: June 11, 2008

Replying Promptly To Phone Calls, Emails, Letters

By: Rabbi Ari Enkin I don’t know about you, but I am disturbed by those who do not respond to letters, email, or return phone calls within a reasonable time frame. In fact, in the event of a first time … Continue reading

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I’m Live On My Cam And I’m Going To Make Some Proclamations That Will Rock Your World!

Click here to join the fun. nicolletista:  holly certainly comes across as an engaging person guest13:  i don’t think this is really luke ford guest13:  i think it is a recording YourMoralLeader:  holly is great YourMoralLeader:  she’s like a guy, … Continue reading

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Conversion Controversy Discussion

Rabbi Gil Student writes: "The Torah in Motion discussion between R. Barry Freundel, R. Yitzchok Adlerstein and R. Seth Farber about the recent conversion controversy is now available for purchase (link – "The Conversion Crisis – Panel"). I am almost … Continue reading

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