Daily Archives: June 2, 2008

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

From the New York Times: Leonard Jason is a professor of psychology at DePaul University in Chicago and the director of the university’s Center for Community Research. He is on the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee to the federal Department … Continue reading

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Huma Abedin’s Family & Its Ties To Saudi Arabia

From Free Republic: Huma Abedin & Hillary Clinton May 6, 2000               Syed Zainul AbedinVARIATIONS: Syed, Sayed, Zainul, Zainal, Zaiunul, Abedin, Abed?n, etc     Huma Abedin’s father, Syed Zainul Abedin, was born in India, … Continue reading

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The Living Wage

Rabbi Gil Student writes: I finally read the much-discussed paper by Conservative Rabbi Jill Jacobs on the living wage, which was recently adopted by the (Conservative) Rabbinical Assembly’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards (link, download – PDF). I was … Continue reading

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I Went To The Doctor For My Aching Chest

He says I probably strained my pectoral muscles from working out. No more weights for me. He advises cardiovascular exercise. My blood pressure is excellent — 122/69.

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Hillary’s Muslim Assistant Huma Abedin Courted By Jewish Congressman

If Anthony Weiner is straight, then I see why he’d be interested in Huma. Check out the pictures. Here’s a report from Hindu.com: Islamabad (PTI): A 32-year old beauty of Indian and Pakistani parentage, better known as US presidential hopeful … Continue reading

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