Monthly Archives: June 2008

Shalom Auslander And Abraham’s Call

From Nextbook: I am in Chicago, at the Hopleaf Bar on North Clark Street, one of the last stops on the U.S. portion of my book tour. What happens as I am on my way out of the bar has … Continue reading

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Crown Heights Controversy

From New York: The Crown Heights community and it’s representatives "the Netzigim of Crown Heights" have tried in vain for the past several years to rid it’s self of the criminal dictator which heads the CHJCC, by attempting to organize … Continue reading

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Gloria Goes To Gay Pride

This is a children’s book (for kids from kindergarten to sixth grade) recommended by the Anti-Defamation League’s website. "A young girl participates in the Gay Pride Day parade." Then there’s My Two Uncles. "A young child’s grandfather has trouble accepting … Continue reading

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My DNA Leaks Over The Crime Scene

From my live cam chat: palestine4ever:  She bought it [lukeisback]? palestine4ever:  Scoop! palestine4ever:  Who was running it before? palestine4ever:  The Fake Luke? palestine4ever:  We admire your loyalty. palestine4ever:  It’s just funny that that there are all of these Luke porn … Continue reading

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Creating Attraction Between Men & Women

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach writes: Tens of thousands of singles congregate on the Upper West Side of Manhattan or the Pico-Robertson area of Los Angeles. They attend singles synagogues. They go to an endless variety of singles events. They date about … Continue reading

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