Daily Archives: May 21, 2008

The Other Woman

"Woman, why do you keep putting garlic in everything?" I bellow. "You don’t want me to be attractive to other women." "Why do you want to be attractive to other women?" she says. "I need the affirmation." "I want you … Continue reading

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I’ve Caught The Dreaded Bird Flu

How do I know? Because I’ve started talking bollocks and I can’t park the car. zappa:  Did you know the late Mahatma Gandhi suffered from very poor health? zappa:  Oh, yes. He was too thin, had constant problems with sores … Continue reading

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Why Should I Be Holier Than The Pope?

I was asked today how I feel about davening. I hate it. Is that the wrong answer? I don’t care for ritualized prayer because it is repetitive. You just say the same words over and over again. That’s no fun. … Continue reading

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My Worst Experience At Delice

I’ve been going there for two years. It’s a delicious kosher restaurant on Pico Blvd just east of La Cienega. It’s a popular hang out for frum Jews. I take my cheap dates there. I usually order the same thing … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews Burn Copies Of The New Testament

Brad A. Greenberg writes: And you thought reaction to the Messianic Jew who wanted to compete in the Bible Quiz was ugly. Orthodox Jews pull a page from Nazi playbook in this AP report: Or Yehuda Deputy Mayor Uzi Aharon … Continue reading

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