Daily Archives: May 13, 2008

Brick Lane Is A Beautiful Film

From its opening scene all the way through to the picturesque end, this is a sweet humane story. Video I kept fearing that things would get ugly but they didn’t. Sure there was pain, but this movie is about people … Continue reading

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West Coast Chabad Leader Rabbi Boruch Shlomo Cunin Gets $18 Million From Roland Arnall’s Estate

Many of L.A.’s biggest rabbis were salivating at the shiva for subprime billionaire Roland Arnall. Rabbi Cunin got the biggest jewish payout. Roland’s son Daniel holds the $3 million note for the loan Roland extended to Shalhevet. Daniel could call … Continue reading

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Feast Your Eyes Upon Orit Arfa’s Literary Works

On Tishu B’Av 2001, Orit Arfa came to my hovel and gave me a bracha. She told me she was working on a book on Genesis. I was fascinated. I wanted to learn more about her views on the first … Continue reading

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Rabbi Nachum Sauer’s Mom Died

The Levaya (saying goodbye ceremony) for Chana Bas Akiva will take place tonight at 8:20 PM at 7211 Beverly Blvd, Kehillas Yaakov. Rabbi Sauer is a leading Los Angeles authority on Jewish Law.

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Southern California Savings & Loans Holding On

This is not good for the Jews. The Gentiles are gonna get restless and who will they blame? The Los Angeles Times reports: Investors are increasingly throwing in the towel on Southern California-based savings-and-loan mortgage lenders IndyMac Bancorp, FirstFed Financial … Continue reading

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