Daily Archives: May 17, 2008

If A Man Tells You He’s Working On Himself…

…it simply means he’s banging some other babe (or trying to). I encounter countless women who are madly in love with some guy who’s just not into them. They invent all these crazy excuses for his lack of interest such … Continue reading

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Talking To Myself

"I feel like when I’m talking to you, I’m talking to myself," I said. "Huh?" she said. "I mean, I feel safe when I talk to you. It’s like I’m talking to myself. I feel that degree of safety. I … Continue reading

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Israeli Anger Over American Interference

Israelis seem to get very angry at the influence of American Jews in Israeli politics. I have a few thoughts on this, none of which reflect well on Israelis. One. You don’t get mad at something that is insignificant. If … Continue reading

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I Turn 42 May 28

L.A.’s gedolim are lining up to take me to lunch.

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Karaoke Or Revival Meeting?

Here are some incredibly awkward photos of your truly singing "Space Oddity" a couple of weeks ago: From my live cam chat: maven:  Now you no longer look like Charlton Heston from the Ten Commandments, rather more like Heston in … Continue reading

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