Daily Archives: May 10, 2008

Beit Shemesh Extremist Rabbi Shabsi Wigder Extremely Ill

This announcement in Hebrew asks for your prayers. Wigder is not from the Karlin Stolin sect. (They are moderates, politically and religiously speaking.) Bleich, his son-in-law, is from that sect. Wigder hung around Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld, who was the Rosh … Continue reading

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I’m In A Funk

It’s Saturday night. I’m still getting over my cold. I feel sluggish. I’m hanging out in my chat room: YourMoralLeader:  oy, i feel like i should be more entertaining YourMoralLeader:  gimme some scoop! guest23:  Leah Kleim found another satmar guest23:  … Continue reading

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What Women Want

Neil Strauss writes in The Game: "The right lifestyle is something that is worn, not discussed. Money, fame, and looks, though helpful, are not required. It is, rather, something that screams: Ladies, abandon your boring, mundane, unfulfilled lives and step … Continue reading

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Shalom Aleichem

On a Friday night walking home from shul, I’m stopped by a stranger in a car. He wants to know where Preuss is. I don’t know. I ask my friend. She doesn’t know. A rabbi comes out of his home … Continue reading

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