Monthly Archives: May 2008

Scud Stud Vs. Charlie Wilson’s War

ERSNews reports: Canadian journalist, turned politician — turned journalist again, Arthur Kent has a new lawsuit pending against the filmmakers of the recent Hollywood film “Charlie Wilson’s War”.  The 2007 film, which did less than blockbuster box office (although a … Continue reading

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For Religious Reasons, He Stopped Having Sex With Men

From wikipedia: David Benkof (born David Bianco in 1970) is an American journalist-entrepreneur. He was raised St. Louis, Missouri and then went to college at Stanford University, where he came out as gay his freshmen year. He served as the … Continue reading

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Separate Hatzalah Units For Women & Men

Here’s the pdf. We wouldn’t want a man touching a woman, now would we? Joe emails: "It the new sqare hasidic comunity secluded in upstate new york google them their rabbe is rabbi davi twersky shlita they have their own … Continue reading

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Chabad Crown Heights Patrol Stops Black On Black Rape

Satmarer Chosid emails: The Lubavitcher Chassidim’s "SHMIRA" patrol stop and prevent a Rape in the nick of time, where both the perpetrator and the victim were both Black! Political ramifications of this has rocked the DA’s office who had previously … Continue reading

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I’m Finetuning My Cam Description

Currently it is: "Are you a sinner in need of G-d’s grace? I’m Luke Ford and I want to be Your Moral Leader! Watch me wrap tefillin, study Torah and engineer sweeping moral change. I write the website and … Continue reading

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