Daily Archives: April 3, 2008

Why Hate On Shalhevet?

At the end of last year, I made a brief video about Shalhevet. I fear I may have underestimated the quality of the education there. Here are the responses on YouTube to my video. They speak highly of the literacy … Continue reading

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Jewish Federation Reaches Out To Young Hollywood

Rebecca Spence writes for the Forward: ‘SCRUBS’ BUDS: Actor Zach Braff (center) is flanked (from left to right) by Scott Orlin, Ilanna Bavli, Amanda Kogan, Beth Lemberger and Aaron Kogan — members of the Entertainment Industry Leadership Initiative. Los Angeles … Continue reading

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Former USC Quarterback Matt Leinart Photographed In Hot Tub With Four Hotties

I’ve made a video. This is not the path to happiness, Matt. Believe me, I’ve tried it. You’ll find no lasting satisfaction here. Casual sex is only rewarding for the first three decades. After that, you’ll find it starting to … Continue reading

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I’m Live On My Cam For An Excruciatingly Personal Phone Call At 10 AM PST!

Join the fun. QuixoticLass:  thing is, you can’t fake that User guest8 left the room. QuixoticLass:  don’t you agree, emma? Emma:  Fake being genuine? Emma:  I guess not Emma:  Your a happy bunny today Lukey YourMoralLeader:  I’m with my friends! … Continue reading

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Sexual Abuse In The Ultra-Orthodox Community

Gadi Pickholz writes: "Go to the ynet and haaretz stories, they are much more detailed. Yediyot devoted SIX PAGES to Charedi Sexual Abuse yesterday. The Ministry of Social Affairs formally announced that they are "helpless" to stop the "rampant sexual … Continue reading

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