Tag Archives: nbsp

Rev. Des Joins My Chat Room

From my live chat: ChaimAmalek:  I mean, if you meet a man and he has perfume on him, don’t you think "it seems that other women are into him and have slimed him with their scent, so maybe I should … Continue reading

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New York Is Quiet – We Have Our Shvartzes Under Control!

From my live chat: Emma:  How is your day going Chaimy? YourMoralLeader:  Hymie ChaimAmalek:  Like any of my post-sexual days YourMoralLeader:  did she make a slur? Emma:  lol YourMoralLeader:  How are things in Hymie town? Emma:  Hymie? ChaimAmalek:  (Luke, I … Continue reading

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Should Lukeford.net Be Short & Concise Like My Davening? Even During Coitus, I’m Dictating New Commentaries

From my live chat: YourMoralLeader:  hi Emma! YourMoralLeader:  I’m a sensual semite! Emma:  Hey Luke! YourMoralLeader:  hi YourMoralLeader:  what have i missed? Emma:  Nothing… it’s dead in here without you. YourMoralLeader:  aww YourMoralLeader:  i thought it was dead without you … Continue reading

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What’s With My Bigotry?

Because it’s fun! Joe emails: I stumbled across your ‘blog’ quite accidentally today and was struck by a few things. First, that this blog is a lot less ‘porn’ oriented than your past writings. That’s likely to be a good … Continue reading

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The Return Of Chavi The Convert

From my live cam chat: YourMoralLeader:  what’s new in your jewish journey chavi? reading anything good? YourMoralLeader:  saw your new blog posts Chavi:  Thanks 🙂 Where is ElShaddai, anyhow? YourMoralLeader:  wherever you invite him in Chavi:  Ha ha … Chavi:  … Continue reading

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