Tag Archives: moral leader

Trying To Destroy A Cantor With Compromising Pictures

This happens to me all the time. My enemies send me enticing young women who try to lure me into all sorts of compromising positions but my religious faith makes me impervious to all challenges. I am all too keenly … Continue reading

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Mass Firings At Shalhevet, Small Incoming Freshman Class

Beatrice Levavi the registrar is going. The incoming freshman class is only 25 students. Shalhevet sought at least 60. Also Debbie Reisman is going, Jerry’s assistant, and some others. Against the rumors, the drama program at Shalhevet will continue with … Continue reading

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Petitionary Prayer

Because of my work as a moral leader, I’m often asked to pray for people. I have no belief in petitionary prayer except as catharsis for the prayer. BTW, I’m live on my cam.

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The Mystery Method For Snagging Passover Invites

For the past few weeks, I’ve been going to the mikveh every morning and putting on tefillin and praying that HaShem send me an invite to the first seder. It has not worked. I no longer believe in the power … Continue reading

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I’m Live On My Cam!

Click here to join the fun! guest2:  i have started the luke ford exercise regiment and i have officially lost 5 inches off my bust line. i am not too happy right now YourMoralLeader:  oy ve YourMoralLeader:  are you doing … Continue reading

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