Daily Archives: June 5, 2012

I’m Putting You On Notice!

Whenever the boss yells at me not to use the Ladies room, I tell him I know better. I was a seminal blogger. I was named ***hole of the month by a very distinguished publication. Chaver says: “Why don’t you … Continue reading

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Wikipedia Nation

“Your father’s dead,” he said. “It’s on Wikipedia. Look it up. Your family didn’t even tell you. You’re dead to them.” “That doesn’t sound right,” I said and immediately hit Google. “That’s not right. Not right at all. You’re a … Continue reading

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I’m looking for my brothers. Can you tell me where they are grazing their flocks?

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist. My father was employed by the church as a preacher and as a theologian until I was 14. At age 18, I left Christianity. I wandered for a few years until embracing Judaism at … Continue reading

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The Road To Auschwitz

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist and many of the things I was taught from the pulpit lead directly to Auschwitz. Christians did not create Auschwitz (Nazism was profoundly anti-Christian) but without 1900 years of Christian hatred of Jews and … Continue reading

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How To Create A Vibrant Jewish Community

Check out my live online talk show tonight at 7:30 pm PDT. People can join the chatroom and ask questions. Shlomo Walt will be giving chizzuk (encouragement) and talking about concrete ways we can bring about positive changes in our … Continue reading

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