Daily Archives: June 24, 2012

Crime Patrol For Pico-Robertson

Kenneth Lowenstein, founder and director of the LA Shmira Patrol, spoke in shul Sunday evening about taking note of suspicious behavior and reporting threats to the police. He begins his talk with an anecdote about a tattooed skinhead in his … Continue reading

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I Want Feedback On My New Alexander Technique Website

Click here.

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Top Five Issues Facing America

In my view, they are in order: * Those Muslims who want to murder Americans (from Iran to home-grown American terrorists) and destroy the American way of life and America’s role in the world as a fighter for freedom and … Continue reading

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Jewish Federation Los Angeles President Jay Sanderson Cancels Pamela Geller’s Sunday Morning Speech At The Federation Building On 6560 Wilshire Bl

JTA reports: “Conservative blogger Pamela Geller is lashing out at the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles for what she says was its decision to cancel her Sunday appearance. Geller, a fiery critic of Muslims, liberals and mainstream Jewish organizations, … Continue reading

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Where Is Death’s Sting?

I love the Christian hymn “Abide With Me.” Abide with me; fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide; When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me. Swift to its … Continue reading

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