Daily Archives: June 8, 2012

Blogging As Self-Defense

One reason I loved coming to California in 1977 was that there was no corporal punishment in the schools. In Australia, I got hit regularly. Teachers would smack my hand with a ruler when I was bad. Sometimes the ruler … Continue reading

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Conversion Ain’t Easy

I ran into a friend. He’s converting to Orthodox Judaism. It is taking much longer than he expected. “You should expect a couple of years,” I told him. “Is the rabbi testing me?” he asked. “The rabbi says I’m ready … Continue reading

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Peter Lowy And The Westfield Shopping Centers

Los Angeles Magazine reports: Lowy himself is a familiar name at City Hall and within L.A.’s business and civic communities (he served as chairman of the University of Judaism and has been on the board of numerous nonprofits). Politics is … Continue reading

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The Pendulum Of Jewish Observance

Full tuition at Jewish high school such as YULA and Shalhevet runs close to $30,000 a year. A Jewish mother emails: Hi Luke: When parents send their kids to Jewish school all their lives, they expect them to be religious. … Continue reading

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Women Who Have Fathers-In-Law Are Married

I just learned in therapy that when a woman has a father-in-law, it means she’s married. I thought it just meant that she has a step-dad. Oy! So many elementary social cues that I miss, like a Ladies Room is … Continue reading

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