Daily Archives: June 27, 2012

Australian Suspicion Of Adventists

Australia is a secular country and it has a great deal of suspicion of religious people. I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist in Australia. I had no Seventh-Day Adventist friends. I knew that the wider culture viewed us with great … Continue reading

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Joshua Prager Still Claiming He Was Nominated For A Pulitzer Prize

A few years ago, I busted Joshua Prager — whose work I admire — for claiming he was a Pulitzer Prize nominee. It did no good. He still claims the honor on his site: “His work has appeared in publications … Continue reading

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Writing Biographies Of Great Rabbis

Jonathan Rosenblum writes: More than twenty years ago, I wrote an op-ed entitled, “Are Gadol Biographies Good for Us?” Little did I dream at the time that I would soon be asked to write the first of many biographies of … Continue reading

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Where to Go for a New Nissan

Customizing a vehicle can be more fun that buying it or even driving it for the first time. Are you the type of person that enjoys pretty fabric covers in cars and awesome steering wheel covers? I went to a … Continue reading

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