Daily Archives: June 12, 2012

Dennis Prager On Sean Hannity

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The Story Of Mendel Tevel

JewishCommunityWatch.com reports: A couple of months later, we were informed that Mendel Tevel was planning to get engaged. Immediately, the kallah’s family was contacted and cautioned with the vast information we had already accumulated. We proceeded to put the family … Continue reading

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How Come There Were No Riots In LA After The Kings Won The Stanley Cup?

Hockey must appeal to a more upstanding crowd than baseball, basketball and football.

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I Think I’m Manic

I keep getting out of bed to blog and to update my Facebook. Can’t sleep. I want to organize a rally at Dodger Stadium against the internet. Please share this on your FB. Sponsorship opportunities are still available! This will … Continue reading

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Do Lubavitchers Want You To Become Lubavitch?

I’ve spent a lot of time in Chabad shuls and I never remember any pressure to become Chabad. The Chabadniks I know want Jews to study Torah and to do mitzvahs but I’m not aware of them exerting much effort … Continue reading

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