Daily Archives: June 16, 2012

‘You’ve Put Me In A Very Awkward Position’

There are certain phrases I keep hearing throughout my life, such as “You’re not welcome here.” And then I appeal for help and I hear, “You’ve put me in a very awkward position.” The themes of my life — provocation, … Continue reading

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Clear And Present Danger

Stephen Steinlight emails: We have reached a moment of political crisis. Our President has trampled on the Constitution and is making immigration policy as if he were out dictator. I urge all who care about fixing our broken immigration system, … Continue reading

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Rabbi Meir Soloveichik’s Good Work For The Lord

Rabbi Meir Soloveichik was a scholar in residence at YICC about nine years ago, before he had his PhD. Then, about four years ago, he was in residence one weekend at Bnai David-Judea. This week he was in Los Angeles … Continue reading

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A Mighty Blogger Before The Lord

Levi was a mighty blogger before the Lord. He thought he was the bomb because he’d been on 60 Minutes. One evening in shul, he noticed that his prayer got no respect from the Almighty, while the davening of the … Continue reading

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