Daily Archives: June 20, 2012

Teaching Alexander Technique On Pico Blvd 90035

My Alexander Technique teaching website is Alexander90210.com. Photos by Keyvan Sharouz.

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Live Show With Video Jew Jay Firestone Of The Jewish Journal

Video Jew rules the JewishJournal.com with an iron fist.

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My Oatmeal Diet

I’ve figured that if I eat the same foods every day, I’ll get sick of them and eat less. So every morning I eat cooked oatmeal with sugar-free Almond milk, Tonic Alchemy, grapes, black sesame seeds and chia seeds. For … Continue reading

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David Suissa Reviews Dennis Prager’s New Book

David Suissa writes: Perhaps the biggest obstacle is the notion that there’s no common ground between the visions of Left and the Right. That may well be true, but it’s also in some ways a self-fulfilling prophecy. The reality is … Continue reading

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