Daily Archives: April 1, 2012

Talmud Study Vs Daf Yomi

Joe emails: To me, daf yomi is a necessary semi-good, semi-evil. There is this belief that knowledge of the entire Talmud is part of being a torah jew. I would begrudgingly concede that it is a neat thing to have … Continue reading

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The Mysteries Of Male Sexuality

In the Spring of 1999, Dennis Prager gave a series of four lectures on male sexuality at the University of Judaism. Here are some highlights: I talked to other guys and I realized I was in the normal range of … Continue reading

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In The Wake Of The Murders In France, How Can Jews Protect Themselves?

Growing up a Seventh-Day Adventist, I heard far more about what an evil place the outside world is than I have as a convert to Judaism. At the same time, there was no security in my Adventist upbringing. There were … Continue reading

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Sam Harris Has His Head Screwed On Straight

Sam Harris is one of the famous atheists endlessly crusading about how stupid theistic belief is. I met him at a lecture on Islam a few years ago. We talked for a few minutes and I was impressed by him. … Continue reading

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Negotiating Your Way Through Jewish Dates

I found this video brutal. For a little while, it was funny. Then it became depressing. But it’s an accurate look at love in the secular world. I like Ilana Angel’s new photo. The old one kept me from reading … Continue reading

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