Daily Archives: April 4, 2012

Historian Marc B. Shapiro: “Luke Ford reports all of the ‘juicy’ quotes, and has been doing it for years.”

History professor Marc B. Shapiro emails FailedMessiah: The conversation in my class was not designed to be broadcast all over the world so people can join in and heap abuse on a great Torah sage (and I have to say … Continue reading

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Trying To Shut Down Alexander Technique Historian Jeroen Staring

A few months ago, I did this interview with Jeroen Staring (gnirats@hetnet.nl) via email: How has the Alexander community reacted to your work? Is there a certain type of mind that reacts with interest to your work and another type … Continue reading

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Tamara Doesn’t Want To Marry A Republican!

Here are two of my favorite people in one essay! Tamara Shayne Kagel is a terrific writer and Dennis Prager is a great thinker. Dennis Prager writes: Two weeks ago, Jewish Journal blogger Tamara Shayne Kagel wrote a piece titled, … Continue reading

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