Daily Archives: April 10, 2012

The Scary Mitt Monster Is Coming Out To Play

From the Washington Post: When Ann Romney recently was asked about her husband coming off as stiff, she said, “I guess we better unzip him and let the real Mitt Romney out, because he is not.”

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Newsweek’s List Of Top 50 Rabbis

Rabbi Joshua Strulowitz responds to my email inquiry: “I struggle with this list, some of it I can’t relate to. I don’t really have a feel for how much power and influence Krinsky has. Every Chabad seems to be an … Continue reading

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America Is The Least Racist Country In The World

Dennis Prager writes: In light of the tragic killing of black teenager Trayvon Martin — and the manufactured hysteria surrounding it — one thing needs to be stated as clearly and as often as possible: The United States is the … Continue reading

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