Daily Archives: April 11, 2012

Santa Monica’s Rash Of Burglaries

Binky, an actor from Britain now living in West Los Angeles, phones the Dennis Prager show today: “I want to talk about this sudden influx of burglaries in Santa Monica the past few months. I believe this is a direct … Continue reading

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The UN As A Transcendent Source Of Morality

WSJ: “The Obama Administration’s preferred global policeman—the United Nations—is on the Syrian case, you’ll be happy to know. Syrian government forces have been bombing and killing as much of the opposition as they can before a U.N.-negotiated ceasefire deadline Tuesday, … Continue reading

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The Hub On Venice

David Suissa writes: The Hub on Venice aims to be just that, a busy gathering place that caters to different interests and crowds, such as the literary and culinary crowd (Sophos Café, a restaurant and music-poetry lounge); the spiritual and … Continue reading

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The Closing Of The American Mind

Chaim Amalek says: From the vantage point of the quarter century or so since he wrote it: That the era of the Jewish intellectual who concerns himself with the goyim and what they think about Heidegger has long since passed … Continue reading

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Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles and Veteran Education

June Olsen writes: On January 31, 2012, the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles issued a press release announcing the awarding of $200,000 to eleven separate organizations in the Los Angeles area. Several of these organizations deal with reintegrating Iraq-Afghanistan … Continue reading

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