Daily Archives: April 6, 2012

Religion’s Superiority To Faith Alone

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “If all of your religiosity or spirituality is faith, then there is no room for the atheist or the agnostic in what you have. It’s all faith. But in the church and … Continue reading

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Why Don’t Hockey Players Get Into Legal Trouble As Often As Other Athletes?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager got a call asking why don’t hockey players get into trouble as much as other athletes. Luke says: Well, why don’t tennis players and cricket players and rugby players get into trouble as … Continue reading

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Forget The Church, Follow Jesus

Andrew Sullivan writes that cover story for Newsweek magazine. As New York wrote wrote Andrew: “In Sullivan’s case, he was exposed for something that he discusses freely. He cruises. He’s proud of being well known in gay bars across Washington. … Continue reading

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Passover – Are Jews Celebrating An Event That Never Took Place?

Almost every scholar who has studied the evidence has concluded that the Israelites exodus from Egypt did not take place (at least not as the Bible describes it). On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “There are people who … Continue reading

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Dozens Arrested in France

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