Daily Archives: April 22, 2012

I Made About 20 Facebook Posts Today

I do a lot of my writing these days on my Facebook page.

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American Jews Support Tough Immigration Laws

Steve Sailer writes: Obviously, Ken Jacobson makes his living by goading Jews to feel “overwhelmed demographically” by white gentiles. But the reality is that typical American Jews don’t feel all that overwhelmed. Their view tends to be that America has … Continue reading

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Do Americans Despair About Black-White Relations?

John Derbyshire says: “Here we are, we’re 50 years later, and we’ve still got these tremendous disparities in crime rates, educational attainment, and so on. And I think, although they’re still mouthing the platitudes, Americans in their hearts feel a … Continue reading

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Issues of Dogma in Recent Orthodox Literature, Marc Shapiro

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Men Want To Procreate Before They Protect Before They Provide

On Dennis Prager’s radio show April 18, 2012, Alison Armstrong said: “If a woman asks her man for something, he might go, we can’t afford that. Protect comes before provide. If he’s protecting his own resources, that will trump his … Continue reading

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