Monthly Archives: February 2012

I Used To Have Money, Sex, Fame And Power

Remember Saturday nights in Australia? After the Sabbath, I’d hope the Cherry family would cruise by and rescue me from my life and take me to a movie or something cool? I’d be so depressed and then at times they’d … Continue reading

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I Don’t Want To Be Mean Anymore

I was interviewed for three hours on Sirius Radio today and I did not say one mean thing. I was asked about the most delusional people I’ve interviewed and I didn’t answer. I didn’t want to name anyone. When you … Continue reading

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The Effect Of Thinking On The Body

As I move around in the world, I see people talking on their cell phones. At least one half of the conversation I do not hear, but I often see the effect of what is said on the person in … Continue reading

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Thinking Vs Awareness

Jennifer Fine writes: Thinking is an action that is linear in nature. If I ask you to add two large numbers together, or ask you which route you take to work every morning, chances are you will pause, your facial … Continue reading

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The Blogger With The Dragon Tattoo

I remind myself of the fictional journalist Mikael Blomkvist, but it is the girl with the dragon tattoo who really gets me going. I empathize with her rage and her fierce desire for independence. A big part of the reason … Continue reading

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