I Used To Have Money, Sex, Fame And Power

Remember Saturday nights in Australia? After the Sabbath, I’d hope the Cherry family would cruise by and rescue me from my life and take me to a movie or something cool?

I’d be so depressed and then at times they’d show up and I’d feel so happy.

I’ve gone through life waiting for people to rescue me.

Remember how unpleasant ….’s touch was. He was so tense. His heavy footfall.

The solution to my depression is human connection.

I got so depressed this evening when the…said that Judaism forbade only two types of thoughts — ones about forbidden sex and something else. Where’s the hope? And that it is forbidden to read the New Testament and study other religions.

Sunday morning. These anonymous Valley streets. So familiar to me. This is where the sausage is made. Is this where I get sucked back in? This is a blast from the past. Big mistake or harmless trip down memory lane?

This is easy. I passed many pleasant times here. It is just like me to be 40 minutes early.

I had many opportunities to go big time. I will have more.

I was born to blog, born for radio. I’ve never spoken to Christy. It is so good to get in the car and drive far far away. How I long to keep heading north, back to my childhood?

If I can make money, so many possibilities for me. Life could be thrilling. I am right where I want to be – LA! Great weather! City of opportunity. I have a marketable skill.

I can get excited about life again.

I used to have money, sex, fame and power. And youth.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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