Daily Archives: January 25, 2012

Expect Israel To Attack Iran In 2012

I expected the United States to start bombing Iran in the closing months of the Bush administration but undercover operations had slowed Iran’s nuclear development sufficiently so that this was not necessary. But times have changed. They’ve become more urgent. … Continue reading

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How The Alexander Technique Helps Relieve Stress

Susana Schouller teaches the Alexander Technique in London. She tells interviewer Robert Rickover: “Imagine you are a machine. Any machine can be used badly or used well. Every time you do anything, you can do it with tension and an … Continue reading

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Orthodox Extremism In Israel

Dov Lipman writes: Yes, it is true. I, a haredi with right-wing political leanings, stood on the same stage with representatives of Yisrael Chofshit, Hitorirut Yerushalayim, and Meretz – three secular and very left wing groups – at the massive … Continue reading

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Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning

One of the first things I did in my new office was to thoroughly shampoo and clean the carpets. My friend at Las Vegas Carpet Cleaning Pros emails me: One of the biggest complaints consumers raise when having their carpets … Continue reading

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Posture As A Tool In Personal Transformation

I heard a lecture in Los Angeles this week by Australian rabbi Laibl Wolf. The son of Holocaust survivors from Poland, Dr. Wolf grew up down under. He got a law degree, rabbinic ordination, a PhD in psychology and raised … Continue reading

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