Monthly Archives: January 2012

The Difference Between Theology And Values

Theology does not matter much. Many Christians believe I am going to hell because I left Christianity, rejected Jesus Christ, and converted to Orthodox Judaism. Yet these very Christians treat me and other Jews beautifully. They support Israel. You can … Continue reading

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The Coolness Of Romney Will Be Seen As A Blessing Up Against This President

Dennis Prager increasingly likes Mitt Romney. “I’m changing before your ears,” Dennis said today. Dennis is increasingly impressed by Mitt Romney. He likes the things he says. Even if they are written for Romney, the more he speaks about American … Continue reading

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The Dark Side Of Fitness

Robert Rickover writes: A recent article in the New York Times, “Doctors See a Big Rise in Injuries As Young Athletes Train Nonstop” highlights a serious and growing health concern for teenagers and their parents. Typical injuries include stress fractures, … Continue reading

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Keeping My Eye On Pico-Robertson 90035

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Do You Pray With Good Use?

Prayer should be easy and joyous. Do your knees hurt during davening? Does your back or neck or shoulders ache? Learn how to pray with poise. God wants you to be straight with him, not all contorted and pulled down. … Continue reading

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