Monthly Archives: June 2011

The Synagogue In America: A Short History by Marc Lee Raphael

This is a superb new book. I just picked it up at the library and I can’t put it down. It has lots of stories about Los Angeles in general and Pico-Robertson in particular. On page 95, professor Raphael writes: … Continue reading

Posted in Blacks, Conservative Judaism, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, Pico/Robertson, Reform Judaism, Synagogue | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on The Synagogue In America: A Short History by Marc Lee Raphael

Orthodox Judaism Is A Hardball Religion

In the Torah, Moshe and company put to death an Israelite for gathering sticks on the Sabbath. Orthodox Judaism plays hardball. This surprises many outsiders who have a picture of religion as primarily a spiritual loving community. Orthodox Judaism has … Continue reading

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Your Facebook Friends Drop – Does It Necessarily Mean Somebody Defriended You?

I hear from people who becomes curious and concerned when they notice that their number of friends on Facebook has dropped without explanation. What’s going on here? Have they been defriended? I was on a friend’s profile to send her … Continue reading

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Are Slut Walks Great Places To Meet Chicks?

Bob emails: “For the single advisory committee members: Have you tried these “Slut Walk” parades for meeting young, free thinking ladies?” I’m not generally interested in dating angry women, unless they’re really hot. These slut walks seem to mainly attract … Continue reading

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This Story’s For Me

Yehuda emails: Luke, This story is for you. 1. It is about something in California. 2. The girl is a blonde. 3. It’s about male members. 4. It involves an Orthodox shul. 5. Someone gets kicked out of said Orthodox … Continue reading

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