Daily Archives: August 26, 2010

The Rabbi Orlofsky Mess

Background Rav Adlerstein posts: “When Rabbi Weinreb (to whose ankles in Torah R. Orlofsky will never rise)…” Rav Adlerstein blogs on another topic: Unlike many New Yorkers I know, I do not have an easy time listening to Michael Savage. … Continue reading

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Pro-Israel Group Battles IRS Discrimination

Glenn Reynolds writes: WEEKLY STANDARD: Is the IRS Discriminating Against a Pro-Israel Group? In a lawsuit filed in federal court today, the pro-Israel group Z Street alleges that it has been discriminated against. Z Street says, in its complaint, that … Continue reading

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The Ten Commandments

In a 1996 lecture on Exodus 20, Dennis Prager says: It’s called The Ten Words. The Ten Commandments is an English or Christian statement. The Hebrew Bible does not call this the Ten Commandments. The Decalogue is the Greek for … Continue reading

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Log-In With Facebook Connect To Leave Comments On My Site

I’ve added Facebook Connect to my blog to make it easier to leave comments. Log-in on the upper right of the page. I paid somebody $50 to install this, so you better use it! PS. One of the best things … Continue reading

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What Converts Can Teach Us About Judaism

Oy, if only some lofty journalist would write such sentiments about me! Adam Dickter writes in The Jewish Week: But what struck me most was one line from Yoseph himself that he posted on his website bio, that he chose … Continue reading

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