Daily Archives: August 6, 2010

My Mantras

I’ve realized through therapy that I have all these mantras that I tell myself to hold things together after loss. My favorite are: * Writing is number one for me * Loneliness is the price I pay for courageous writing … Continue reading

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Michelle’s Vacation

Joe emails: Is this 2010 or 1962. It appears pretty obvious to me that the Obama marriage is a farce, and this trip by Michelle is a total travesty. I know couples where the wives go off on their own … Continue reading

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The Jewish Inquisition

On Torah Talk at 7pm PST Monday, Rabbi Rabbs and I will discuss controversial Orthodox rabbis on the left: Chaim Seidler-Feller, Avi Weiss, Yitz Greenberg, Joseph Telushkin and Yosef Kanefsky. For too long, the rabbis have judged me. Now I … Continue reading

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The “Ground Zero Mosque” Becomes a Jewish Issue; Jews in Fashion; Jewish Boxer Dmitriy Salita; and a Druze Likudnik

Click here to watch in High Definition (HD)

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Jan Perry Interview

Jan Perry represents the ninth district on the Los Angeles City Council. She plans to run for mayor in 2013. We talk by phone Friday morning. Here’s a transcript of the parts of the interview I find most interesting: Luke: … Continue reading

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