Monthly Archives: August 2010

The $300 Brake Job

I haven’t used one tank of gas this summer. I’ve been frugal with my driving. It helps that my brakes don’t work too well, almost to the point where I’ll open the door and drag my feet along the crowd … Continue reading

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An Advantage To Being Single

As a single man, I dream of having a great marriage. If I were married to someone of my level, my dream would be gone. I’d be stuck with reality, with the hard work of making a relationship work. I … Continue reading

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Violating The U.S. Constitution

How does a cross to honor a dead highway patrolman favor Christianity? SALT LAKE CITY — The 14 crosses erected along Utah roads to commemorate fallen state Highway Patrol troopers convey a state preference for Christianity and are a violation … Continue reading

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The Wisdom Of Erecting A Mosque Near Ground Zero

Charles Krauthammer writes: Why is America fighting Predator wars in Pakistan and Yemen, surveilling thousands of conversations and financial transactions every day, and engaged in military operations against radical Muslims everywhere from the Philippines to Somalia — because of 19 … Continue reading

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How Not To Relate To Black Jews

I’m acquainted with about a dozen black Jews in Pico-Robertson. I think the first one I met was at Bnai David in 1994 at a Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz talk and I went up to him and said, “You don’t meet … Continue reading

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