Monthly Archives: July 2010

The Case Against Newsweek

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky writes: But what is intolerable is Newsweek’s celebration of decadence and its advocacy of the overturning of the social order. Scarcely a week goes by without some crack about religion or an opinion piece denigrating traditional morality … Continue reading

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Nasty Piece Of Work

I think I’m a nasty piece of work — angry, vengeful, and spiteful. I am so ashamed. I hate who I am much of the time. Thank the good L-rd my psycho-therapists don’t view me this way. They all look … Continue reading

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The Sisterhood 50

The Charedim received almost no attention the past few years in Newsweek’s annual listing of America’s top 50 rabbis. Sure, some chareidim complain about this, but few care very much. I get a sense that these feminists care very much … Continue reading

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I’m OK With G-d, So Why Do I Have To Pay Alimony?

I lose control 2:16 into this video: Whole series.

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Orthodox Rabbi Murdered In Hollywood

The Jewish Journal reports: Mordechai Bayer, a 50-year-old Los Angeles-based commercial property manager, was shot and killed on Monday, July 19. At just after noon, Bayer was believed to be attempting to collect rent money from a tenant, Sung Chul … Continue reading

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