Monthly Archives: July 2010

‘Tova is a breath of fresh air, Rabbi Rabbs a problem’

Greg emails: Hi Luke, I really enjoyed your post about Tova Schreiber. After so much troubling commentary, it is such a relief to hear a Jewish voice that offers possibility for rapprochement between goys and Jews. I used to be … Continue reading

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Dance With Me

The new hit from Air Supply:

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Judging Mel On His Rants

From Dennis on Monday: Prager H1: Should a man ranting at his girlfriend be made public? And should we make judgments about that man based on this private rant? These are questions no one asks about the latest Mel … Continue reading

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Righteous Rasha Blogger Tova Schreiber

A Bais Yaakov graduate, Tova Schreiber is finishing her degrees in Economics. She writes the Righteous Rasha blog. Tova: “I never would consider myself a Bais Yaakov girl… My upbringing was Modern Orthodox. We didn’t eat cholov Yisrael, we listened … Continue reading

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Luke Must Live

My latest medical tests: CHOLESTEROL 192

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