Monthly Archives: May 2010

What’s My Hebrew Birthday?

I turn 44 tomorrow in the Western calendar. I was born May 28, 1966. An Orthodox friend asks me for my Hebrew birthday. “Dunno,” I say. He says: “So it looks like it would be the ninth of Sivan, and … Continue reading

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The Blind Side

I love this movie. I identify with its big black protagonist. Like him, I’ve often felt lost. I often walk through the cold without a coat. I remember running up to Young Israel of Century City one Shabbos afternoon. It … Continue reading

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Why Aren’t Jews Debating Believers In Jesus?

Eric Zorn blogs: The obituary — Moishe Rosen dies at 78; founder of Jews for Jesus prompts me to ask readers about something that’s long mystified and impressed me: “Given that the divinity of Jesus is the core belief of … Continue reading

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Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Debates Dennis Prager

This was done March 24, 2008 at Nessah synagogue in Beverly Hillls, a nominally Orthodox Persian shul. Dennis Prager: “I grew up in an East European Hasidic shtibble in New York. The rabbi was from Romania. Ultra-Orthodox. In order to … Continue reading

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Very Rabbinic

I sent an Orthodox Jewish friend a link to my appearance on a Sabbath panel at Loma Linda University ten days ago. “You looked very rabbinic,” she said. “From the way you sat to the way you spoke, you seemed … Continue reading

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