Monthly Archives: October 2009

A Serious Man

AP reports: Joel and Ethan Coen took the title of their latest film, "A Serious Man," from the dialogue they created for the characters in their surreal, darkly affectionate look at a Midwest Jewish community. In one scene, a rabbi … Continue reading

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TV Host David Letterman Says He Was A Victim Of An Extortion Attempt

Radar Online reports: "An NYPD source has told that the suspect under arrest in the David Letterman extortion case was a producer for CBS’s 48 Hours, Robert Halderman. Halderman often went by his middle name Joe and currently has … Continue reading

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‘Friday Night Was Lovely’

"Friday night was lovely," he says. "Don’t say lovely," she says. "So was Thursday night." "Thursday night was more aggressive," he says. "Friday night was a little more emotional." "Do you think it is OK to do both?" "Of course." … Continue reading

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I Talked To My Soul This Afternoon

A friend bought me a 75-minute session with Siri-Gian of I arrived 20-minutes early and sat in the sun in my car and wrote down my thoughts. Then I went in the house and waited for her. She’s warm … Continue reading

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I was relaying to friends how appalled I was by this Jewish girl taking communion, and this Alexander Technique teacher noted that every time I said I was appalled, I shrunk down. He insisted I keep my length. Then I … Continue reading

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