Monthly Archives: July 2009

I’m Reading Shellard’s Biography Of Theater Critic Kenneth Tynan

The parallels between Tynan and I are frightening. He was the first person to use the f-word on the BBC. I am the first person to use the f-word on the internet.

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Hit and Run

Monday night. I hear — via Pragertopia — Dennis Prager from that day’s show talk about what a low-life the hit-and-run driver is. He talks about the death of the American Idol hopeful Alexis Cohen. It’s 9:45 pm Tuesday. I’m … Continue reading

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Your Moral Leader Delivers Straight Talk About Sex

One of the scary parts of having a relationship is becoming vulnerable and pathetic. When you’re alone, you don’t have to confront your delusions. You can live in them. You can think you are funny and wise and biting when … Continue reading

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Israelis Don’t Regard Obama As A Friend

An editor of the left-wing Israeli newspaper Haaretz writes in the New York Times: Six months into his presidency, Israelis find themselves increasingly suspicious of Mr. Obama. All they see is American pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to freeze … Continue reading

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What Professor Gates Did to President Obama

Joe emails: What Madoff did to sully the otherwise sterling reputation of Jews in money management is nothing compared to what Professor Gates has done to make Obama look like a total zero. If you want to know how middle … Continue reading

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